The non-member rate for this workshop is $15 and the member rate is $10. Click here to purchase your membership today.
Class Description
This drop-in group is open to dads-to-be, stay at home dads, working dads, dads of infants, toddlers, older children, teenagers, and adults – any self-identified dad – to share the joys, challenges, questions and expectations of being or becoming a father. New and expecting fathers, this is the group for you.
Join us every third Saturday of the month (sometimes fourth).
Click here for dates of the virtual session.
The group aims to explore what it means to be a “dad” by learning from others, sharing resources, and building a support community to help dads be the parents, caregivers, and partners they aim to be.
Please Note:
-Content covered in these sessions is included in the Details section below.
-Participants are invited and encouraged to bring infants.Details
Topics may include:
-Practical knowledge
-Parenting strategies and styles
-Navigating changing identities and relationships
-Self-care and partner support
-Work/life balance
-Inter-generational family dynamics
-Whatever else is of concern to fathers out there looking for community.Facilitator(s)
Joe Cook is a dad of two school-aged girls and lives in the mission district. He comes to parenting education through his own struggles and wonder at the joys and challenges of being a parent. Joe has a background in mindful parenting, trained as a Parenting by Connection parent educator, and is a certified mindfulness facilitator. Joe believes that parenting education and community support are critically important for family health and well-being, and he approaches each moment of parenting as an opportunity for personal growth and deepening connection. Joe founded the Natural Resources Dads Group in 2015 and loves learning from and with other parents.
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